David Bear wrote:
no debug info yet, I'm hoping to avoid that...

Heres the system info.
Windows XP Pro
Openafs 1.5.34
Kerb for windows 3.2

user lisa can go most everyone in afs that she has access to except her home directory. She can descend paths that are controlled by acls created by me. User home directories are set at asu.edu/users/#/#/# where # is the first char, second char, third char of their id. The standard acl on users/#/#/ is system:anyuser l so this is strange that she is getting any access denial.

We can go to another computer with the same setup as above, and user lisa can get to her home directory. So we are lead to believe its a cache manager issue.

So I erase the afscache file, and restarted the client service. No joy, same error.

So then I went into the control panel afs applet, and set a completely new path for the afs cache file. Restart afs, no joy, same error.

I'm rather stumped. Any suggestions?


In all honesty.  What do you expect us to do to help you without
debugging information?  You already know that the server configuration
works from another client so the issue is local to the client you are

You know the problem isn't cache corruption because you deleted the

Looking at the cache manager as a black box is a waste of time.
Follow the directions in the release notes for debugging the client.
For this problem you will want "fs trace" logging and perhaps a
Sysinternals Process Monitor log.

Jeffrey Altman

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