Ralf Hornik Mailings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> are there any known issues regarding Gnome/KDE login Manager getting AFS
> tokens? I can login perfectly using ssh, or console, get AFS Toks and my
> home.  But using GDM/KDM it tells me "Can't update authorization file",
> or "Can't chdir /afs/.daheim/user/<user>: Permission denied"
> Seems  the KDM doesn't get (or use) tokens?
> Has someone solved this problem yes?

Sounds like you don't have your PAM configuration set up properly for GDM
or KDM the way that you do for ssh, or that PAM configuration isn't
working.  Without more debugging information from PAM, though, it's hard
to know what's not working.

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>
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