Verify that the time on your db servers are well synchronized.


On Jun 2, 2008, at 9:08 PM, TIARA System Man wrote:

dear guys,

i could not move volumes. the following messages is what i encountered:

# vos move home.cfliu maat /vicepa fs /vicepc -verbose

Could not lock entry for volume 536870972
   u: no quorum elected
Recovery: Accessing VLDB.
Recovery: Releasing lock on VLDB entry for volume 536870972 ... done

i also read page. i had almost the same problem. but, i don't know how to solve it. please give me hints. thanks.

best, sam

Sam Tseng
Academia Sinica
Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Tel.: +886-2-33652200 ext 742
Fax: +886-2-23677849

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