On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:12 PM, Jeffrey Altman <

> Madhusudan Singh wrote:
> >         :$ cd /afs/YYY.edu/users/X/Y/Z/XYZABC
> >         bash: cd: /afs/YYY.edu/users/X/Y/Z/XYZABC: Permission denied
> >
> >     This look like the user you authenticate as, simply doesn't have the
> >     required permissions to access the directory.
> >
> >
> > Impossible. I can ssh into the server with the same username and
> > password without any issues.
> Does your local client have a token for the XYZABC user?
I was dearly hoping to avoid such questions by mentioning this rather
prominently (along with o/p's of tokens and klist) in my initial post on the
thread. Please refer to that.

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