Hans Melgers wrote:
I notice afs performance on osx Leopard is very slow; opening a folder in Finder takes up to 2 minutes to even display. I have the right tokens, firewall is open for all connections. Performance in terminal is much better, a cd and ls to /afs works instantly. So it seems there are problems in the finder.
I noticed two afsd processes running. normal ?

Im also tried running parallels with the windows client on the same machine, works perfect and very fast.

Does anyone have some tips to speed up performance ? Are there any known problems in the mac osx finder in the latest leopard? I'm running 1.4.8 with openafsconfig, MIT kerberos extras. Tokens look fine. Mac OSX 10.5.6
Was /afs the folder that you tried to view in finder? If so, then it will be extremely slow with finder because finder will try to stat all of the cells, which will take a while. Try a deeper folder, like /afs/grand.central.org/software/ and see if it acts better.

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