Dear Steven,

Thnx a lot for your reply.

After moving to 2.6.29 the following started showing up in kernel logs. What
does it mean?

uname -an
Linux tassadar 2.6.29 #1 Sat Mar 28 22:52:51 EET 2009 i686 unknown unknown

dmesg|grep peak|head
peak vnodes: 4164

It means that your system had to dynamically allocate some vnodes
because you needed more than whatever you had provided as an argument
to afsd (i.e., the '-stat' argument was too low).  Based on what you
included in your mail, you should probably set your -stat value to at
least 11000.

Note that you do not have to change your -stat value -- the AFS kernel
module will use the -stat value as the default starting value and
increase dynamically as needed.  However, if you provide a higher
-stat value, you will save some overhead as AFS will not need to do
the dynamic allocation.

I would be very interested in seeing performance numbers of the two
configurations (the configuration  you have now vs a configuration
when you have set -stat to be 11000 or so).

Ok, so it does not mean anything "bad":)

Do you have a particular test in mine I could run to produce some useful results for you? This is a rather old system which is being heavily hammered(web server over afs serving a lots of files to the public).

Dimitris Zilaskos
GridAUTH Operations Centre @ Aristotle University of Thessaloniki , Greece
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