- Laptop, Windows XP SP3 32-bit, domain member.
- OpenAFS client 1.5.59
- Heimdal Kerberos server with trust to the AD domain.

If I connect the computer to a network somewhere, and logs in with cached credentials, there is no way to talk to the AFS client; it just gives a strange error message, see below.
Note that the identity manager fetches kerberos tickets without problem.

C:\Documents and Settings\anha>dir \\afs\all <file://%5C%5Cafs%5Call>
The system detected a possible attempt to compromise security. Please ensure that you can contact the server that authenticated you.
C:\Documents and Settings\anha>aklog
aklog: Couldn't determine realm of user: -1765328189

Logging in as a local user and get tickets and tokens works just fine, it's when logging in with cached credentials things don't work. If the machine is plugged in to a network that can reach the domain controller (while still logged in with cached credentials, no reboots) the AFS client starts responding.

The afsd_init.log don't say anything strange; and after all, the client seems to work when
logging in as a local user.

Any hints?

-- Ragge

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