On Fri, 12 Jun 2009, Jeffrey Altman wrote:

Jeff Blaine wrote:
Are these not going to be released to the community?

Currently the only one I tried is password protected.

Tutorial slides are only available to those who attended.
Workshop session slides are available to all.

The tutorial slides from years past were available to those that were unable to attend once the conference was completed. See http://workshop.openafs.org/afsbpw08/afstut.html for an example. They're password protected, but the username and password are right there on the page.

I've found these slides beneficial in the past. Who decided to restrict access this year and for what reason?

Cheers, Stephen
Stephen Joyce
Systems Administrator
PANIC - Physics and Astronomy Network Infrastructure and Computing
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill voice: 919.962.7214
fax: 919.962.0480

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