Jason Edgecombe <ja...@rampaginggeek.com> wrote:
gottoomanyaccounts wrote:
I am wondering is there a plan to have an official repository for
Ubuntu, like the one we have for Fedora/RHEL?  It would be nice to
be able to install the openafs client on Ubuntu as easily as on
Um... I'm running ubuntu with the openafs client. I just had to run
"sudo apt-get install openafs-client"

I think that depends on the Ubuntu version that one is using.

Is the outdated version the problem?

According to what the developers tell us, yes, the outdated version is a problem. (1.4.6 is current for Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 and it is likely to remain so until 2013 when hardy goes out of support.) And I'm still running 6.06 dapper (previous LTS release) on some machines. Dapper goes out of support in 2011.

I'd like to see newer packages in dapper-backports and hardy-backports, although I have no idea on the process to get them there.

Further info at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports


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