On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 1:16 PM, Matt W. Benjamin <m...@linuxbox.com> wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> I would generally agree with almost all of this, except, probably removing 
> --enable-fast-restart?

In a demand attach universe, this isn't really useful anymore, and
honestly given how it works it's not something I would or have ever
encouraged adoption of. I stand by that position.

> Since, as you note, there are sites which actually do rely on this, are you 
>in fact meaning to say that the option would exist, but not be mentioned in 
>the usage?  I guess I'd also like to hear from Steven on pthreaded-ubik.  It 
>appears that it actually isn't 100% stable, but is close, and apparently it's 
>issue(s) are difficult to provoke.

What we have in the code base definitely has bugs; Are there fixes
which have not made it back upstream?
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