Buhrmaster, Gary wrote:
Solaris 8/9 hit the darn near unsupported list from Sun.
By the time 1.6 reaches production there won't be anyone running it at
least on production hardware.

Not entirely true.  Sun offers extended support contracts for
those that *must* run Solaris 8, and Solaris 10 containers
is available for platform (i.e. hardware) support on newer
equipment for Solaris 8/9.

A more interesting question may be whether people are still
running Solaris 8 openAFS file/db servers.  A client only
release might be possible for such an old platform.

Yes, I know several sites still running file and database servers
on solaris 8. I expect these will be phased out, but yes, they
are in production today.

Mike --
OpenAFS-info mailing list

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