On 3 Dec 2010, at 18:36, Karen Eldredge <karen.eldre...@infoprint.com> wrote:

>> I don't think the translator code gets built by default, and your
>> error suggests it's not compiled in.  Try removing or commenting out
>> the line that defines AFS_NONFSTRANS in src/config/param.linux26.h and
>> rebuilding.
> Thanks Marc that did the trick.  Now to make sure it works like our production
> translator.  Thanks again for your help.

At this point, it's only fair to point out that the problems with building the 
Linux NFS translator on recent kernels means that it gets very little love, or 
testing. It also seems very unlikely that the Linux kernel community will 
provide the interfaces that we require in the future. So, the translator in 
it's current form is a bit of a dead end. Please consider this before you 
deploy it in a production environment!

There have been proposals made for implementing a user-space translator, which 
would free us from kernel politics. At present, I'm not aware of anyone with 
the right combination of time, money and interest to take this work forwards.


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