On 9/28/2011 10:06 AM, Anders Magnusson wrote:
> Environment:
> Server:  OpenAFS, Redhat 5.3
> Client: Windows 7, OpenAFS 1.7.1
> It seems that file locking has stopped working in the new client,
> resulting in data corruption :-/
> Simple test case:
> - Have two Win7 clients
> - Open a .xlsx document in Office 2010 on one of them.
> - Open the same document on the second machine.  No complaints.
> - Write something in the document on the first machine, save it and quit.
> - Write something in the document on the second machine, save it and quit.
> The first thing written is now gone.
> Setting EnableServerLocks to 2 do not help.  The document just does not
> seem to be locked.
> If a file is opened with an older SMB client then the IFS client
> understands it, and tells that
> it is locked on the Win7 machine.
> Any hints?  Something missed to be configured?

Unlikely that you missed anything.  The question is whether or not the
lock request is being passed onto the service.

This would be a bug.  Please file bugs to openafs-info@openafs.org.

Jeffrey Altman

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