
i've got following configuration:
# rxdebug afs1 -version
Trying (port 7000):
AFS version:  OpenAFS 1.4.14 built  2011-03-29 afs1(ptserver, vlserver, fileserver) /vicepa, /vicepb afs2 (fileserver) /vicepa

running Debian GNU/Linux 6.0, openafs from squeeze-backports

i'm trying to create rw volume on afs1:vicepa and ro volume on afs1:vicepb
the following problem occurs:

debian6:~# vos cr afs1 a test -v
Volume test 536870939 created and brought online
Created the VLDB entry for the volume test 536870939
Volume 536870939 created on partition /vicepa of afs1

debian6:~# vos ad afs1 b test
Added replication site afs1 /vicepb for volume test

debian6:~# vos rel test -v

    RWrite: 536870939
    number of sites -> 2
       server afs1 partition /vicepa RW Site
       server afs1 partition /vicepb RO Site  -- Not released
This is a complete release of volume 536870939
Cloning RW volume 536870939 to temporary RO... done
Getting status of RW volume 536870939... done
Ending cloning transaction on RW volume 536870939... done
Starting transaction on cloned volume 536870940... done
Creating new volume 536870940 on replication site afs1: Failed to
create the ro volume: : Input/output error
The volume 536870939 could not be released to the following 1 sites:
                                       afs1 /vicepb
VOLSER: release could not be completed
Error in vos release command.
VOLSER: release could not be completed

==> /var/log/openafs/VolserLog <==
Mon Oct 31 10:53:55 2011 1 Volser: Clone: Cloning volume 536870939 to
new volume 536870940
Mon Oct 31 10:53:55 2011 Clone 536870939: filecount 0 -> 1 diskused 2 -> 2
Mon Oct 31 10:53:55 2011 VAttachVolume: Failed to open
/vicepb/V0536870940.vol (errno 2) <--- this file doesn't really exists
Mon Oct 31 10:53:55 2011 1 Volser: CreateVolume: Unable to create the
volume; aborted, error code 18
Mon Oct 31 10:53:55 2011 : Invalid cross-device link

debian6:~# vos exa test
test                              536870939 RW          2 K  On-line
    afs1 /vicepa
    RWrite  536870939 ROnly  536870940 Backup          0
    MaxQuota       5000 K
    Creation    Mon Oct 31 10:53:18 2011
    Copy        Mon Oct 31 10:53:18 2011
    Backup      Never
    Last Update Mon Oct 31 10:53:18 2011
    0 accesses in the past day (i.e., vnode references)

    RWrite: 536870939
    number of sites -> 2
       server afs1 partition /vicepa RW Site  -- New release
       server afs1 partition /vicepb RO Site  -- Old release

doing 'addsite' on the same partition (afs1:a) works fine
doing 'addsite' on the afs2:vicepa machine works fine

anyone has some advice how to make it real?

any hints are appreciated
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