On 23 Apr 2012, at 12:59, Stefan Michael Guenther wrote:

> Hi,
> our system is a Heimdal Kerberos together with an OpenAFS on a Ubuntu 
> 11.10.
> My first attempt was to add myself to the group of administrators:
> root@intranet:~#  pts adduser stefan system:administrators -cell in-put.de 
> -noauth
> pts: Permission denied ; unable to add user stefan to group 
> system:administrators

-noauth means "Make the connection to the ptserver without any authentication 
at all". It will only work if the ptserver is running in NoAuth mode (which you 
do by starting the bosserver with the -noauth flag).

You're getting this error because, in normal operation, the anonymous user 
doesn't have permission to create users or groups.

> root@intranet:~# aklog -d
> Authenticating to cell in-put.de (server intranet.in-put.de).
> Trying to authenticate to user's realm IN-PUT.DE.
> Getting tickets: afs/in-put...@in-put.de
> Using Kerberos V5 ticket natively
> Identical tokens already exist; skipping.
> root@intranet:~# tokens
> Tokens held by the Cache Manager:
> User's (AFS ID 1) tokens for a...@in-put.de [Expires Apr 23 23:31]
>   --End of list--
> Why am I not allowed to add a new user or group?

Does it work if you try these commands without the -noauth flag?



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