Dear Craig,

we are running  some OSD-Servers on GPFS.
The OSD-servers are in the production-run sense comparable to
fileservers and 
since GPFS is POSIX-compatible (dont know to how many %), everything is 

However, we run those servers as single-server GPFS. They are server
and client alike.

I don't see any major issues with running AFS on top of GPFS, but ...

- GPFS is more likely to hang as any other network-FS compared to a
  local FS.

- not sure how to deal with the /vicep - naming convention ( can you
  have two /vicepa partitions somehow?) I can check with the
  GPFS-admins here.



Am Fri, 30 Nov 2012 15:11:37 +0000
schrieb Craig Strachan <>:

> Dear All,
> The Central Computing Service at Edinburgh University is introducing
> a new University wide filesystem intended for research based data. We
> in Informatics have been asked about the possibility of us using of
> some of this new file space to either expand our existing cell or
> (more likely) set up a new cell for the whole University to use.
> Unfortunately, this new research file system is based on GPFS and so
> this would involve us running AFS on top of GPFS.
> Does anyone on this list have experience of running AFS on top of
> GPFS which they would be willing to share with us? Failing that,
> would anyone like to make an educated guess as to the problems we are
> likely to encounter if we try this?
> Any advice would be appreciated,
> Craig.
> ---
> Craig Strachan, Computing Officer,
> School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

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