On 05/29/2013 08:34 AM, Staffan Hämälä wrote:
On 2013-05-28 10:09, Harald Barth wrote:
I would _not_ involve the HSM module of TSM, as I think it introduces
an extra unnecesary level of complexity. It seems easier to use the
TSM API and its archive function to get tape storage functionality (as
done in dcache). I'm quite sure the folks from Ume' read this as well
and might want to comment.

Interesting. Are there any existing implementations of using the archive function in TSM for this? If not, how difficult would it be to implement this? I'm not familiar with the OSD code.
I had a brief mail change with Hartmut Reuter about this after the AFS conference in Pilsen; since we had a working backup client using the TSM APIs for this already. He was interested in adding this functionality, but I haven't spoke to him about it since then.

-- Ragge
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