On Sun, 2014-05-04 at 13:17 -0400, Jon Stanley wrote:
> In the default configuration of OpenAFS as shipped (1.6.7), the
> systemd unit file attempts to edit /usr/vice/etc/CellServDB. In a new
> method of OS deployment, called rpm-ostree[1], the /usr namespace is
> completely immutable and versioned. FHS also dictates that services
> are not to make changes in /usr (though with the FHS being in a bit of
> flux, I can't actually see the standard anywhere to cite it).

For whatever reason, the Red Hat-targeting releases of OpenAFS use the
old Transarc paths instead of modern paths as used by, for example, the
Debian-targeting releases. I suspect you just want to arrange to build
RPMs based on the modern paths: remove --enable-transarc-paths from the
configure parameters, and probably adjust %files to match.

brandon s allbery kf8nh                           sine nomine associates
allber...@gmail.com                              ballb...@sinenomine.net
unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad    http://sinenomine.net

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