Dear all,

I failed to restart afs service after I changed OPTIONS value in 
/etc/sysconfig/afs file. At this time, I need to reboot the machine to make the 
new configuration validate.

Openafs version: 1.6.5

Os version: Scientific Linux release 6.5 (Carbon)  2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 

I got the error message as following:

[root@bws0609 ~]# /etc/init.d/afs restart
Stopping AFS client..... 
Sending all processes using /afs the TERM signal ...       [  OK  ]
Sending all processes using /afs the KILL signal ...       [  OK  ]
Starting AFS client..... 
/etc/init.d/afs: line 230: 26271 Segmentation fault      /usr/vice/etc/afsd 


Dec 24 17:30:25 bws0609 kernel: afs: WARM shutting down of: vcaches... BkG... 
CB... afs... CTrunc... AFSDB... RxEvent... UnmaskRxkSignals... RxListener...  
ALL allocated tables... done
Dec 24 17:30:25 bws0609 kernel: enabling dynamically allocated vcaches
Dec 24 17:30:29 bws0609 kernel: Starting AFS cache scan...
Dec 24 17:30:29 bws0609 kernel: afsd[26271]: segfault at 18 ip 0000003736679753 
sp 00007fff5f346fa0 error 4 in[3736600000+18a000]

I can do it in openafs-1.4.14 without any errors. 
Does anyone know how to solve this issue?  

Thank you very much in advance.




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