On Tue, 8 Mar 2016, Michael Laß wrote:

Was the error code 32 returned from git or did the kernel log message
change accordingly? Does your log again show a lost file server
connection? And have files been corrupted or just the checkout aborted?

The kernel log message changed to -32. Which has already happened before
too sometimes, as I reported earlier. So the situation before the patch
was that sometimes -32 and sometimes -512 occurred in the log messages.

After the patch I did the git checkout procedures twice and both times
I received the error code -32. When the error occurs I remove the
directory completely and copy it back from a local disk for the next

Don't know if -512 would show up if I try more often.

With corrupted I meant the state of the git repository. I don't know if
individual files are broken. So it may well be that just the checkout
was aborted.


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