ZFS requires specific tuning for use as a cache partition; otherwise, its 
allocation size interacts poorly with the allocation size of cache chunks, 
IIRC. I'd imagine something similar is true of btrfs, but I know even less 
about btrfs implementation details than ZFS.

-----Original Message-----
From: openafs-info-ad...@openafs.org [mailto:openafs-info-ad...@openafs.org] On 
Behalf Of Benjamin Kaduk
Sent: Wednesday, May 4, 2016 10:21 PM
To: Fred Drueck <fdru...@uic.edu>
Cc: openafs-info@openafs.org
Subject: Re: [OpenAFS] /var/cache/openafs on btrfs

On Wed, 2 Mar 2016, Fred Drueck wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> According to the OpenAFS admin FAQ, it appears that the officially 
> supported file systems for the disk cache are:
> ext2
> ext3
> hfs (HP-UX)
> xfs (at least on IRIX 6.5)
> ufs (Solaris, ?Tru64Unix)
> which is clearly out of date, since there is a working implementation 
> for OS X that runs on top of HFS+
> For some time I've been fearlessly using both ext4 and btrfs (on 
> Linux, as you might infer) as the backing storage for my AFS client cache.
> I have noticed some fairly rare issues with the clients if all file/db 
> servers (in our cell the same machines) become unavailable.  The '/afs'
> mount becomes un-accessible and attempts to access files often result 
> in very long timeouts.  I've always been able to fix things by somehow

long timeouts are expected when all the db servers are inaccessible.

> shutting down the client (in the worst case by physical power-off and 
> reboot into single user mode) and deleting the cache.
> Is there some chance that this is because I've been causing these 
> problems by using un-supported file-systems as the backing storage for 
> the client cache?

I think there is some chance, but this is not an area I've looked into for 
quite some time, and may be misremembering.

I do have some recollection that ZFS behaves poorly for a cache partition, and 
given btrfs's similarities to ZFS, would not really recommend it either, absent 
further research.

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