
my backup via butc is broken and I am not able to get an actual butc binary
for Solaris 10 sparc (sun4x_510).
The last binary to download is 1.6.10 and my tries to compile the source of 
all fails or the result isn't valid (core dumps) :(

Is there anyone who can send me the 1.6.23 butc binary for Solaris 10 on sparc?

My binary is significant less then the others
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root      987288 Oct 17 13:28 butc-1.6.23
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root     2819684 Oct 15  2014 butc-1.6.10
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root     2808324 Apr 10  2014 butc-1.6.7

And core dumps ...

bash-3.2# /usr/afs/backup/butc -port 0 -debuglevel 2 -localauth
Will dump to a file
Tape mount callout routine is /usr/afs/backup/mount-afs-backup-file.sh
Warning: Unrecognized configuration parameter: UMOUNT 
Operator queries are disabled
Segmentation Fault (core dumped)

Best regards

Thomas Otto

On 9/13/18 8:37 PM, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> It is unfortunate that the announcement e-mail included neither a URL to
> the https://www.openafs.org/security/ page nor a link to the individual
> security advisory text files:
>   https://www.openafs.org/pages/security/OPENAFS-SA-2018-001.txt
>   https://www.openafs.org/pages/security/OPENAFS-SA-2018-002.txt
>   https://www.openafs.org/pages/security/OPENAFS-SA-2018-003.txt
> In the case of OPENAFS-SA-2018-001.txt, both 'butc' and 'backup' (or
> 'afsbackup' as it is installed on some systems) must be at least:
>  * AuriStorFS v0.175
>  * OpenAFS 1.8.2
>  * OpenAFS 1.6.23
> The version of the vlserver, buserver and volserver does not matter.
> Those services already supported authenticated and potentially encrypted
> connections.
> The underlying cause of the incompatibility is that the 'butc' service
> would only accept unauthenticated (rxnull) connections and therefore the
> 'backup' command could only create unauthenticated (rxnull) connections
> even if the 'backup' command was executed with -localauth.
> As of the releases above, the 'butc' service (by default) will not only
> accept authenticated connections but will require that the authenticated
> identity be a super-user as reported by the butc host's "bos listusers"
> command.
> There is no incompatibility with vlserver, buserver and volserver
> because those services already accepted authenticated connections and
> required that authenticated identities be super-users in order to
> create, read, modify, or delete sensitive information.
> The privilege escalation is due to 'butc' accepting unauthenticated
> requests and executing them using a super-user identity when contacting
> the vlserver, buserver, and volserver.
> I cannot stress enough how important it is for sites that are running
> the AFS backup suite to immediately:
>  . upgrade all instances of 'butc' and 'backup'.
>  . firewall the 'butc' ports from all machines except those from
>    which 'backup' is expected to be issued from.  The butc port is
>    (7021 + butc port offset)/udp.  The default offset is 0.
> Otherwise, an anonymous attacker can read, alter or destroy the content
> of any volume in the cell as well as any backups that do not require
> manual intervention by a system administrator to gain access to.
> AuriStor coordinated the release of these changes with the OpenAFS
> Security officer(s) because this privilege escalation is not only
> remotely exploitable but compromises the security and integrity of all
> data stored within an AFS cell that operates a Backup Tape Controller
> (butc) instance.
> The AuriStorFS v0.175 release extends the AuriStorFS security model to
> backup with the use of AES256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96 wire encryption for all
> volume data communications and the use of volume security policies to
> ensure that volumes cannot be restored to a fileserver with an
> incompatible security policy.
> Jeffrey Altman
> AuriStor, Inc.
> On 9/13/2018 3:12 AM, Giovanni Bracco wrote:
>> Hello everybody!
>> I have read about the butc & backup security update.
>> We run daily the AFS backup and I would like to understand if I need
>> just to update the backup server with the new butc/backup modules or I
>> need also to update all our file servers in order to match the new
>> security improvements connected to backup.
>> Giovanni
>> On 11/09/2018 21:04, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
>>> OPENAFS-SA-2018-001 only affects deployments that run the 'butc' utility
>>> as part of the in-tree backup system, but is of high severity for
>>> those sites which are affected -- an anonymous attacker could replace
>>> entire volumes with attacker-controlled contents.
>>> The changes to fix OPENAFS-SA-2018-001 require behavior change in both      
>>> butc(8) and backup(8) to use authenticated connections; old and new
>>> versions of these utilities will not interoperate absent specific
>>> configuration of the new tool to use the old (insecure) behavior.
>>> These changes also are expected to cause backup(8)'s interactive mode
>>> to be limited to only butc connections requiring (or not requiring)
>>> authentication within a given interactive session, based on the initial
>>> arguments selected.
>>> Bug reports should be filed to openafs-b...@openafs.org.
>>> Benjamin Kaduk
>>> for the OpenAFS Guardians

Thomas Otto, Dipl.-Inf.
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Am Johannisfriedhof 2
D-07743 Jena
Tel.: 03641/9-40530
Fax.: 03641/9-40630

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