We are updating our very old AFS servers and chose to create new, updated
systems then migrate all the volumes over and eventually just turn the
older ones off.

We've moved everything but the root.cell volumes.  We have one RW root.cell
on an older server and would like to have a RW root.cell on a new server
before turning the older one off.  My co-worker gave this a try and it
allowed her to run 'vos addsite' but did not allow her to 'vos release' the
new RW root.cell.  She got this error:

root@afs-vmc 2019-March]# vos addsite afs-vmc.psc.edu /vicepga
root.cell -localauth
Added replication site afs-vmc.psc.edu /vicepga for volume root.cell
[root@afs-vmc 2019-March]# vos release root.cell -localauth
Failed to clone the volume 537176384
: Invalid cross-device link
Error in vos release command.
Clone volume is not in the same partition as the read-write volume.

Has anyone else tried this type of upgrade?  Are there any docs specific to

Thanks in advance,

Susan Litzinger

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