
beruntung dunks gak merasa dikhianatin pacar...
sakit dech rasanya....
tapi masih sakit ngelahirin normal...terus diinduksi...di vakum 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@F@ -yang sering dikhianatin pacar-

--- Pada Kam, 11/9/08, - Yusri - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> menulis:
Dari: - Yusri - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Topik: Re: [Ayahbunda-Online] Tanya : dikhianati pacar ? To Mbak Dina.....
Kepada: Ayahbunda-Online@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Kamis, 11 September, 2008, 7:33 AM


Hik....hik.. ..hik...
Emang dikhianatin pacar rasanya gimana, seh......???
Dari dulu pacar ku cuma satu dan satu2nya itu jadi suamiku sekarang....
Jadi gak ngerasain "putus cinta".....

Apa aku yg "bodoh", ya.....???
Ha....ha.... ha....
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] co.id
YM: yusri_smpn1

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless deviceFrom:  Dina Indria P <bundasayangrafa@ 
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 09:37:31 +0800 (SGT)
To: <Ayahbunda-Online@ yahoogroups. com>
Subject: Re: [Ayahbunda-with the rings healing, but the splits are
> worrying, as they might cause recovery action to occur.

Yes, the splits are annoying because they do cause recovery [1].  Even
more annoying, though, is the merging of the splits.  That's what I was
complaining about. We've really struggled with adding just the right kind
of code to detect when a split+merge happens and handle it properly (for
us that's continuing with recovery for the original split.)

[1] The splits can't usually be blamed on openais; it's usually something
to do with a network glitch.


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