On Wed, 2010-02-17 at 14:04 -0700, Steven Dake wrote:
> According to augeas upstream, separate rpms are not recommended unless
> there is a dependency on augtool or library.

My main point is that it seems silly that people have to install a
separate RPM to get support for the corosync conf in Augeas - very few
will actually know that that package exists, and just assume there is no
such thing.

My preferences, in general, are to ship a lens together with the config
file. When that's not possible, we ship it as part of Augeas. The former
has the advantage that there are no worries with format
incompatibilities between the config file and the lens (since upstream
will always ship a matching pair)

The way Augeas sets up its searchpath we can even do both: have the lens
shipped as part of Augeas (in /usr/share/augeas/lenses/dist) and as part
of corosync (in /usr/share/augeas/lenses) - augtool would then prefer
the lens from corosync over the one from Augeas.

> The issue with this spec file patch is that it creates unowned dirs
> (+%{_datadir}/augeas/lenses).  Some distros (fedora) own these dirs in
> the "filesystem" package.  It is not clear to me that other distros will
> do that, and instead choose to own them in the augeas packages (in which
> case a dependency on augeas makes since, so that it can own the proper
> dirs).

What distros are we talking about here ? For Fedora, it's a non-issue,
since I had /usr/share/augeas added to filesystem exactly to avoid this
issue. Are you sure that the spec file you ship works for other
RPM-based distros, like SuSe and Mandrive ? If the dir-ownership issue
is the only one, we should talk to them and see if they can address it
in a similar way to Fedora.

In any event, I am more than happy to commit and ship the lens as part
of Augeas for now. Please just email the latest version + the tests
(unless it hasn't changed from what Angus had a few days ago)


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