Hi again,

I 've checked the man corosync.conf and seen many parameters
around token timers etc. but I can't see how to increase the heartbeat
timeout. When testing, it occurs that timeout is between 10s and 12s
before a node decides to fence another one in the cluster (when for
example I force a if down eth0 on this node to simulate Heartbeat failure).
But I can't see which parameter(s) to tune in corosync.conf to increase
these 10 or 12s ...

Any tip would be appreciated...
> Hi,
>  I'm using Corosync (under Pacemaker) and I would like to have expert 
> opinion about how to
>  increase the  time before a node decides to fence another :
>  is there a sort of deadtime parameter to be tune (which seems to be 
> ~10s by default) ?
>     and if so , how ?
>        and if so, does it lead to a tuning of one or several other 
> parameters ?
>  Thanks
>  Alain
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