On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 11:23 PM, Whit Blauvelt <w...@transpect.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 01, 2011 at 11:45:22AM +1000, Andrew Beekhof wrote:
>> Being a generic cluster manager, rather than purpose-built for a specific
>> app like a filesystem or database, we don't get involved with things like
>> data replication or anything else that requires an understanding of the
>> services we're managing. This puts a natural limit on the kinds of
>> scenarios we can be involved in.
>> I guess you could say that we aim for "fits-most". But its a free world,
>> people are entitled to build/deploy whatever solution they like.
> Thanks for the clarifications. I do appreciate all the discussion following
> my initial question. It helps a lot with the overview.
> Here's my admittedly naive concern. In aiming to be "fits-most" Pacemaker
> has become something very complex.

Most of the complexity actually comes with supporting >2 nodes.
I've written more coherently on the topic previously:

But without doubt Pacemaker is more complex than a purpose built solution.
The question, which only you can answer, is whether its going to be
"cheaper" to build and maintain a custom solution or to use something
off the shelf (all-be-it with a non-trivial learning curve).

Btw. have you read Clusters from Scratch?
It's at http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/ and is probably the closest to
the type of book you mention below unless you read German.
Oh, there is also
which can be purchased in paper form.

-- Andrew

> It may well look simpler from the inside,
> but from the outside it's not just the complexity of the Pacemaker system
> itself, but the difficulty making sense of the scattered documentation.
> There is no book on it. There's no online equivalent of a book on it. There
> are some wonderful diagrams of it on a meta level, and some very low-level
> docs generated from the source, and some specific examples which are pretty
> much only useful if one of them coincides with the desired deployment. In
> our case none of them do.
> Now, as a sysadmin, I damn well better understand the deployment of my HA
> scheme. It has to be something I can handle when it goes wrong at 4 a.m.,
> and there's no time to make coffee. I can arrive at that by one of two ways:
> deploy something developed and proved elsewhere that has good reference
> material, or develop something myself to the specific purpose and make sure
> I document it well as I go. Yeah, I could never build something with the
> scope of Pacemaker. But for a narrowly-defined, specific purpose it's within
> the reach of even the moderately skilled, providing that concepts and logic
> are clear.
> Or - this all being components - I might take for instance Corosync and use
> it without Pacemaker. That's why I asked the initial question about the
> feasibility of doing so. In a year or two, if someone publishes a good book
> or two on Pacemaker, in classic O'Reilly style, we might do well to throw
> out whatever I currently deploy and do the next version with Pacemaker - or
> more likely Pacemaker plus specific bits of what I presently build.
> I'm sure Pacemaker is beautiful. But without better reference materials the
> beauty is hidden. I'm sure if we hired someone intimate with the project as
> a consultant we could get a sterling deployment. But that still wouldn't
> solve the "4 a.m. with no time to brew coffee" dilemma. Also, the scale of
> our project is on the small side, so it would be hard to justify a
> consultant's cost. On the other hand, if that consultant would write the
> book, we'll be first in line to buy a copy.
> Best,
> Whit
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