On 11 October 2010 21:18, Chris Morley <c.mor...@gaseq.co.uk> wrote:
> On 11/10/2010 20:21, Noel O'Boyle wrote:
>> I went through a large dataset of PubChem 3D structures looking for
>> implicit H failures (removing, then adding Hs). 1/3 of the failures
>> are due to the following in atomtyp.txt:
>> INTHYB  [$([#6]([#8D1])[#8D1])]   2       #sp2 carbon
>> This makes any C attached to two Os turn into sp2...even in geminal
>> diols , for example, ClC(Cl)(Cl)C(O)O. According to wikipedia, these
>> don't tend to last long but they are in PubChem (whether errors or
>> not, I can't say).
>> If it's commented out, then it works fine for these cases.
>> Is there any reason for this rule (it seems to date from the early
>> days)? Perhaps it's to correct ligand structures from the PDB where
>> all examples of this indicate COO-? If so, maybe the PDB cases are
>> better handled in the code using the molecular geometry...?
> I have always regarded the implicit valency model as unsatisfactory, and
> maybe it has become a bit messed up over the years. Is it currently used for
> anything other than recognizing when a hydrogen could or should be added to
> an atom?

But this is already a substantial part, isn't it, as it determines
whether you can read a SMILES string correctly. In general it's
working quite well - there's a whole lot of patterns required to
handle nitrogens though.

> A simpler and more obvious model for this purpose has essentially a single
> IMPVAL for each charge state of the molecule. (Only if you are interested in
> radicals or hydrogen on the higher valency states of second row elements do
> you need another rule for each higher valence.) There is no need for any
> skilful fine tuning. It is more maintainable and will be faster because not
> so many SMARTS patterns need to be matched. Up to now, It has worked for
> everything I've tried (although this not very extensive), except with
> test_formula, where the fault is in a couple of erroneous results in
> formularesults.txt, which at least shows the old model was error-prone and
> needs some more tweaking of phosphate structures.
> There may be other side effects I'm not aware of. Just before a release is
> not a good time to commit something like this (5 years ago would have been
> better), so I've just attached a patch (changes to 11 code lines), if you
> want to try it.

I'll check it out...although I'm cautious also.

> Chris
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