On Friday, January 07, 2011 10:58 AM, Noel O'Boyle wrote:
>Thanks for the patches, John,

You're welcome.

>I the Python patch with one modification; if PYTHON_PREFIX is
>specified then DESTDIR is ignored. I assume that this is fine with the
>package maintainers.

You will do as you think best, but I don't like that change, and I don't think 
it's wise.  These two variables have distinct, non-overlapping purposes.  For 
example, if there were ever a need to put an RPATH into a binary component of 
the Python extension, or a hardcoded path into the Python module, then you 
would want it to include the PYTHON_PREFIX, if any, but not the DESTDIR.

Furthermore, making an exception for that case leaves the OpenBabel support for 
DESTDIR inconsistent with convention under some circumstances, and it requires 
more work in some cases similar to mine by requiring that the same thing needs 
be specified twice (at least).

>I'm still not happy with supporting DESTDIR though (and wish that
>CMake had not decided to do so). I would prefer adding staging support
>through a CMake configuration variable such as -DDESTDIR=.

That could have worked, but I am glad that CMake adopted the existing 
convention instead of inventing its own.

Note also that DESTDIR has other uses than just staged installations.  For 
example, if you maintain a chroot environment then you can use DESTDIR to 
install to your chroot without building directly there.  If you have multiple 
chroots then with DESTDIR you can install to each of them without reconfiguring 
or rebuilding anything.  Alternatively, if you want to check what's going to be 
installed before you actually install it, then DESTDIR is just the thing for 
you, and an install-time decision is exactly what you want.

> The main
>problem with adding support for a build-time variable, is that we
>really need to apply conditional logic at install time, but this does
>not seem to be possible with CMake (correct me if wrong).

I'm still not much of a CMake guy, and in my limited research I did not find 
any easy ways to persuade CMake to perform logic at build time.  I suspect 
there are some, however, because CMake Makefiles call back to CMake.  I did 
have to overcome a similar problem, though: to get the DESTDIR variable to be 
evaluated and interpolated at build time instead of at configuration time.  You 
will see that I managed that by using \$ENV{DESTDIR} in CMakeLists.txt instead 
of just $ENV{DESTDIR}; at configuration time the former is converted to the 
latter, and at build time the latter is interpreted as the value of DESTDIR.

I'm not seeing a need here to apply conditional logic at build time, however.  
The standard DESTDIR paradigm is that you just prepend $(DESTDIR) to all the 
installation paths in your Makefile.  If DESTDIR is given during "make install" 
then the installation paths automatically reflect the specified alternative 
root; if not, then $(DESTDIR) expands to nothing, and files are installed 
directly to their final places.  Why should the build system otherwise care or 
do anything differently depending on whether DESTDIR is given?



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