File Format Support item #3192996, was opened at 2011-02-25 22:45
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by fgrun
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Category: Output
Group: None
Status: Open
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Felix Grun (fgrun)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: PDBQT format - compatibility with PyRx (Vina) and PaDEL-ADV

Initial Comment:
Conversion error for PDBQT output ??

Conversion of files containing ligand SMILES structures --> .mol --> .mol2 --> 
.pdbqt using Open Babel 2.3.0 or iBabel 3.0(beta) results in PDBQT formatted 
files that cannot be read by various Vina GUI programs for high throughput 
screening (various parsing errors). The problem appears to lie in the final 
PDBQT conversion since mol2 files can be used as inputs in ADT, PyRx or Raccoon 
to generate the appropriate PDBQT formatting. A comparison of the two types of 
files shows that:

Babel 2.3.0 produces PDBQT output files which replace lines marked as REMARK 
with USER (for ligand names etc), ATOM with HETATM and end with TER.

Replacing USER with REMARKS and removing TER allows files to be correctly read.

Is this updated file syntax being adopted as the standard PDBQT format or is it 
a platform dependent version produced by InhibOx ?


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