On 16/09/2011 19:25, Chris Morley wrote:
> On 16/09/2011 14:32, Noel O'Boyle wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> Earlier in the year there were a couple of suggestions for conversion
>> features; one for splitting sdf files into chunks, and the other for
>> using the filename as a descriptor. What do you think about these?

> Adding a descriptor with the input file name sounds easy, but
> descriptors are about the properties of molecules and do not have access
> to OBConversion which holds the filename. There are ways round this, the
> simplest being an op --appendfilename. It sort of breaks the pattern but
> I'll have a go.

--addfilename (named like the other conversion-related options 
--addinindex --addoutindex) is now in the development code. The filename 
has any path removed from it, which I hope is appropriate.


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