I'm glad to announce that after 10 years, we finally got around to publishing a 
paper on Open Babel. :-)

Noel M. O’Boyle , Michael Banck , Craig A. James , Chris Morley , Tim 
Vandermeersch, Geoffrey R. Hutchison. “Open Babel: An open chemical toolbox.” 
J. Cheminf. 2011 3:33.

The article is open access, so we hope you'll grab a copy and cite it whenever 
you publish work using Open Babel. So far, over 400 publications have used OB, 
and the article covers some of the most interesting and diverse uses, in 
addition to the development, structure, and features of the toolkit.

Thanks to Noel M. O'Boyle, Michael Banck, Craig A. James, Chris Morley, and Tim 


Prof. Geoffrey Hutchison
Department of Chemistry
University of Pittsburgh
tel: (412) 648-0492
email: geo...@pitt.edu
web: http://hutchison.chem.pitt.edu/

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