On 15 November 2011 17:22, Geoff Hutchison <ge...@geoffhutchison.net> wrote:
>> Geoff, what do you think about changing the way we do mailing list 
>> moderation.
>> What do you think if we change things so that (a) we only moderate
>> once a week, and (b) we highlight the fact that members are not
>> moderated, and that otherwise a waiting period of up to a week should
>> be expected.
> Well, I'm happy to moderate less frequently. But there's a big problem with 
> step (b). The only way I can think of to highlight the moderation process is 
> by a reply back to a non-member posting to the list. The downside is that it 
> confirms the list e-mail to spam senders. In general, such behavior usually 
> dramatically increases the amount of spam (or it has in the past).
> I'm game to try any alterations to the moderation procedure.

Well, let's see how far we get so without replying to non-members. I
note in passing though, that we have not activated the spam filter on
the list (see 

As a first step, I've edited
http://openbabel.org/wiki/Help#Ask_for_Help. I think this is the main
entry point for people. I'll edit other mentions as I find them.

> And yes, we could try to merge -scripting and -discuss lists.

I'll put this in motion, and remove references to -scripting in the
docs. I don't want to lose any existing posts so I'll probably just
close the list to new posts after a warning.

> -Geoff

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