I've spent some more quality time with OpenBabel Python bindings on a Mac today.

Using the open babel SVN trunk, as Noel suggested recently on the mailing list, 
I can get almost everything to work (`cmake -DRUN_SWIG=TRUE
 but after a `make install` the final libraries (_openbabel.so, open babel.py, 
pybel.py) end up in my '/usr/local/lib', not in any python site-packages type 
location where python can find them.

Some of the docs 
 ) suggest they'd end up in '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/' (which 
would have been fine with me) UNLESS I specify  -DPYTHON_PREFIX. But if I try 
to specify -DPYTHON_PREFIX it seems to have no effect.
Perhaps the 2.3.1 docs do not appy to the trunk, but do you have any advice how 
to control where the python libraries are installed to?  I had a hard time 
figuring out what options I could pass to cmake.

If it makes a difference: For most things, including python, I am using 
homebrew (and I have been working on a homebrew recipe for open babel, that 
almost works...).

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