I've done a lot of debugging in chains.cpp, but don't have time for a few days. 
It's sorta like a specialized SMILES/SMARTS parser.

>     result = DetermineHetAtoms(mol)          && result;
>     result = DetermineConnectedChains(mol)   && result;
>     result = DeterminePeptideBackbone(mol)   && result;
>     result = DeterminePeptideSidechains(mol) && result;

So based on your comment, everything before this seems to be OK? (i.e., returns 
a positive result). Then DeterminePeptideSidechains() which calls 
IdentifyResidue() returns 0?


On Dec 12, 2011, at 3:24 PM, Noel O'Boyle wrote:

> Hi there,
> I've been looking at bug PR#3448379. It's a failure in identifying a
> serine when at the C-terminus, after calling --gen3d (it's labelled as
> UNK).
> As a simpler testcase, "obabel -:N[C@@H](CO)C(=O)N[C@@H](CO)C(=O)O
> --gen3d -opdb" will cause the problem (two serines in a row). To speed
> things up, you can comment out everything in gen3d after
> "builder.Build(*pmol);".
> The specific problem is that IdentifyResidue returns 0 in chains.cpp.
> This is quite a complex area of the code (some sort of tree-like
> parsing going on). If any of you are familiar with it, I'd appreciate
> a hand here.
> - Noel
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