On 12/15/11 10:03 AM, David Lonie wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 12:48 PM, David Lonie<lonieda...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>> This seems like something that someone may have encountered before, so
>> I figured I'd ask before rolling my own solution/attempting to patch
>> the cml reader/writer.
> small update:
> After skimming the spec, It looks like cml doesn't have a way to
> specify conformers, either. I suppose a separate cml string for each
> conformer would be the best solution I can think of at this point.

This may sound hokey, but if you want to "roll your own," storing canonical 
SMILES with X/Y/Z coordinates is very easy to do, and very easy to parse. It's 
also very compact and compresses about 10- or 20-to-1 with gzip.

You can store multiple conformers by just appending them to the line with a tab 

The code is almost there already.

   echo "CCO" | babel --gen2D -i smi -o can -xx

prints out the X/Y coordinates in canonical order.  The code to do this is 
about 15 lines of C++ in smilesformat.cpp (look for IsOption("x")).  You can 
copy the code and just add the Z coordinate and it would do what you want.

Parsing is pretty simple too because the coordinates are in the same order as 
the atoms.  If you're interested, I can send you a function that parses a 
string of X/Y coordinates into an OBMol object - it's about 50 lines of C++ 
code and includes a certain amount of error checking.  Again, all you'd have to 
change is to add the Z coordinate.

Like I said, it's a bit hokey and certainly not a supported format, but it's 
very effective.

(I wonder ... would "SMILES-with-coordinates" be an interesting addition to the 
SMILES parser?  The code is all written.)


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