So the desired output is 1,2,3,4,5 instead of 3,3,3,4,5?

If so, isn't SetImplicitValence what you are looking for?

>>> mol = pybel.readstring("smi", "[AlH3]").OBMol
>>> mol.DeleteHydrogens()
>>> print pybel.Molecule(mol).write("smi")

>>> print mol.GetAtom(1).GetImplicitValence() # 3
>>> mol.GetAtom(1).SetImplicitValence(2)
>>> print pybel.Molecule(mol).write("smi")

In your example, you were using Begin/EndModify. Unfortunately,
EndModify() unsets ImplicitValencePerceived so that the atom typer is
called again next time a "valence" is requested:
>>> mol.BeginModify()
>>> mol.EndModify()
>>> print pybel.Molecule(mol).write("smi")

...but never fear, we can override this by adding a
mol.SetImplicitValencePerceived() immediately after the EndModify().
The [AlH2] is then retained.

- Noel

On 20 March 2013 18:20, Craig James <> wrote:
> Hi Noel,
> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 3:16 PM, Noel O'Boyle <> wrote:
>> I believe that the key value is the _impval property on an OBAtom,
>> which is assigned by the atomtyper. Can you ask your program to print
>> out the values after the EndModify() using atom->GetImplicitValence()?
> It looks like your analysis is spot on.  Here is output of the program (not
> the original one, this is much simpler, see below):
> molecule starts with 4 atoms.
> delete H, idx = 4
> delete H, idx = 3
> delete H, idx = 2
> molecule now has 1 atoms.
> [AlH3]
> add H, idx = 2, molecule now has 2 atoms, _impval = 3
> [AlH3]
> add H, idx = 3, molecule now has 3 atoms, _impval = 3
> [AlH3]
> add H, idx = 4, molecule now has 4 atoms, _impval = 3
> [AlH3]
> add H, idx = 5, molecule now has 5 atoms, _impval = 4
> [AlH4]
> add H, idx = 6, molecule now has 6 atoms, _impval = 5
> [AlH5]
> What's the solution?  I can't find any method on the atom or bond object
> that will force it to reset its _impval.
> Thanks,
> Craig
> #include <sstream>
> #include <openbabel/babelconfig.h>
> #include <openbabel/mol.h>
> #include <openbabel/obconversion.h>
> using namespace std;
> using namespace OpenBabel;
> static string test_mol
> (
>  "\n"
>  " OpenBabel03191316172D\n"
>  "\n"
>  "  4  3  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0999 V2000\n"
>  "    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000 Al  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n"
>  "    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000 H   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n"
>  "    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000 H   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n"
>  "    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000 H   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n"
>  "  1  2  1  0  0  0  0\n"
>  "  1  3  1  0  0  0  0\n"
>  "  1  4  1  0  0  0  0\n"
>  "M  END\n"
>  "$$$$\n"
>  );
> int main(int argc,char **argv)
> {
>   OBAtom *atom;
>   vector<OBAtom*> delete_h;
>   vector<OBAtom*>::iterator ai;
>   OBMol *pmol = new OBMol;
>   OBConversion conv(&cin, &cout);
>   conv.SetInAndOutFormats("sdf", "smi");
>   pmol->Clear();
>   conv.ReadString(pmol, test_mol);
>   pmol->BeginModify();
>   cout << "molecule starts with " << pmol->NumAtoms() << " atoms.\n";
>   for (atom = pmol->BeginAtom(ai); atom; atom = pmol->NextAtom(ai)) {
>     if (atom->GetAtomicNum() == 1)
>       delete_h.push_back(atom);
>   }
>   for (ai = delete_h.end() - 1; ai >= delete_h.begin(); ai--) {
>     atom = *ai;
>     cout << "delete H, idx = " << atom->GetIdx() << "\n";
>     pmol->DeleteAtom(atom);
>   }
>   cout << "molecule now has " << pmol->NumAtoms() << " atoms.\n";
>   pmol->EndModify();
>   conv.Write(pmol);
>   for (int i = 2; i <= 6; i++) {
>     pmol->BeginModify();
>     atom = pmol->NewAtom(i);
>     atom->SetAtomicNum(1);
>     pmol->AddBond(1, i, 1);
>     pmol->EndModify();
>     cout << "add H, idx = " << i <<", molecule now has "
>       << pmol->NumAtoms() << " atoms, _impval = "
>       << pmol->GetAtom(1)->GetImplicitValence() << "\n";
>     conv.Write(pmol);
>   }
> }

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