To get things to work in Python, I have to set some dlopen flags as follows:

sys.setdlopenflags(sys.getdlopenflags() | dl.RTLD_GLOBAL)

The following discussion hints at something similar for R:

- Noel

On 25 March 2013 20:30, Kevin Horan <> wrote:
> Thanks, but swig did not help.
> After some more experimentation, I have discovered I can get it to work
> in the following way, but I think it is a bit impractical. If I compile
> the shared library as:
>      g++ -shared -o obtest2.o -fpic
> /usr/lib/openbabel/2.2.3/ -lopenbabel -lR
> so the name of one of the plugins is specified. Then, in R I run:
>      R>dyn.load("/usr/lib/openbabel/2.2.3/")
>      R>dyn.load("")
>      R>.Call("test")
>          format: 0x7fe114c96d20  #this is the correct result
>          NULL
> So then it works. But this requires that I know the full path to every
> plugin when the code is compiled and when the library is loaded. Is
> there a practical way to do this, say, if this were part of an R
> package? I have also tried compiling the shared library as before,
> without the plugin, and then just loading the plugin with dyn.load but
> this does not work. It seems like it should though, does anyone know why
> it doesn't? Conversely, if you compile with the plugin specified, but
> don't load it with dyn.load it seg faults.
>      The way it works normally in OpenBabel is that each plugin is its
> own shared library and then they get loaded at run time with the dlopen
> function (on linux at least). I have verified that this code is still
> being executed when called from within R, but it doesn't work for some
> reason.
> Kevin
> On 03/21/2013 05:51 AM, Noel O'Boyle wrote:
>> This isn't exactly answering your question, but have you considered
>> creating the R Swig wrapper. This may just simply work out of the box
>> (or indeed not!) with little effort.
>> - Noel
>> On 20 March 2013 16:13, Kevin Horan<>  wrote:
>>>       I would like to make use of open babel from within the R language.
>>> Initially I just need to do some format conversions, but may expand the
>>> usage to other parts of OpenBabel as well. I am familiar with embedding
>>> C/C++ code in R, but I'm having some trouble with the plugin mechanism
>>> of OpenBabel in this case. The  problem is that the formats are not
>>> available when I run the OpenBabel code from within R. So, for example,
>>> if I search for the SDF format like so:
>>>       OBFormat *format = conv.FindFormat("SDF");
>>> I always get back a 0 value. The same chunk of code executed outside of
>>> R, as a normal stand-alone program, works fine. So does anyone know how
>>> I can ensure that the formats get loaded? Thanks.
>>>       One other thing to mention, someone might suggest linking against a
>>> static version of openbabel which includes all the plugins. I would like
>>> to avoid that if possible since this needs to work in an R package that
>>> will be distributed across platforms, so it would be hard to ask people
>>> to compile a special, static, version of openbabel just to compile this
>>> R package. Since it needs to work on windows, mac and linux, it would be
>>> nice  if I can make use of any existing installed shared obenbabel
>>> libraries. If it turns out it can't be done, then I'll go down that
>>> path. Thanks.
>>>       Here is an example of the problem:
>>> test program (
>>>      #include<iostream>
>>>      #include<openbabel/obconversion.h>
>>>      #include<R.h>
>>>      #include<Rinternals.h>
>>>      extern "C" {   SEXP test(); }
>>>      int main(){
>>>          test();
>>>      }
>>>      SEXP  test()
>>>      {
>>>          OpenBabel::OBConversion conv;
>>>          OpenBabel::OBFormat *format = conv.FindFormat("SDF");   //
>>>      search for SDF format
>>>          std::cout<<"format:"<<format<<std::endl;
>>>      // print out search result, either 0
>>>      // or an address
>>>          return R_NilValue;
>>>      }
>>> compile:
>>>       g++  -I/usr/include/openbabel-2.0 -I/usr/share/R/include -fpic -c
>>> -o obtest2.o
>>>       g++ -o obtest2 obtest2.o -fpic  -lopenbabel
>>> -lR                       # Executable
>>>       g++ -shared -o obtest2.o -fpic  -lopenbabel -lR  # R
>>> library
>>> Run executable:
>>>       $ ./obtest2
>>>       format: 0x7f1858275d20  #found some result, this is what I expect
>>> Run in R:
>>>       R>dyn.load("")
>>>       R>.Call("test")
>>>           format: 0              # the format was not found, so 0 was
>>> returned
>>>           NULL
>>> Kevin
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