Sorry, I thought I was clear about this. You could, in principal change the 
maximum number of bonds in data/elements.txt (e.g. that you want to allow up to 
3 bonds to an oxygen).

ConnectTheDots would respect this.

But I don’t think it’s a good general idea, because you’d frequently get 
spurious bonds. It would allow *all* oxygens to have up to 3 bonds, not just 
H3O+. Instead, I’m suggesting you either implement an additional pass in 
ConnectTheDots (i.e., before a bond is removed, check if it’s an H3O+) or a 
separate pass entirely, like the bond analysis for OBResidue.

There are a few other strategies to bond perception in the literature, but they 
seem like research projects. I’d be happy to point to papers if you’re 
interested and have a student or someone else willing to see what works.


>> The maximum number of bonds for a particular element is defined in 
>> data/elements.txt (i.e. OBElement::MaxBonds() 

> I implemented a call to ConnectTheDots but it does not add any more 
> bonds. According to the documentation for this routine
> In other words, it may add the bond and then remove it again :(

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