Hi Mohammad,

The pull request never reached us, and I don't see any branches at
your repo that could be merged. I'm not sure what's happening, as
usual with git. :-)

My advice would be to start over. Here's how I would do it. Note that
I never commit to the master branch and all the work is done on
branches. (If you have commited to your master, I'm not sure what to
do apart from deleting your repo and creating a fork again.)

0. Backup your local repo
1. Check out your github fork of openbabel
2. Make sure that the master branch is in synch with the main repo's
master branch.
3. Create a branch with a nice name
4. Make your changes on the branch.
5. Push the branch to your github fork (as a branch).
6. Go to the github website, choose the branch, and choose "Send pull request"

Someone else may give better advice if they understand what's happening.

- Noel

On 26 August 2016 at 13:37, Mohammad Mehdi Ghahremanpour
<ghahramanpou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have updated the codes related to obthermo program and then I committed
> the changes. Then, I did request for git pull on the GitHub.
> This is my commit number.
> commit 9bcf2c3f9b338f65576d1fe1f4d4833b3e1fe31c
> Author: mohammad-ghahremanpour <ghahremanpour....@gmail.com>
> Date:   Mon Aug 1 11:16:04 2016 +0200
>     some updates for obthermo retalted functions in order to extract ZPVE
> from thermochemistry QM  calculations
> However, it has not been added to the dev repository.
> I cannot see the changes on the github, too.
> any suggestion?
> Cheers,
> Mohammad
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