Hi Noel,

I'm in, too.
Spotting these convoluted approaches may be a great opportunity to identify 
places where the API should be streamlined.
About the PDB atom name, unfortunately I don't fully understand the performance 
issue implied in my suggestion, but from an interface point of view, it seems 
more intuitive to access an atom property from OBAtom instead of going back to 
the OBResidue (and pass the OBAtom).
That would address the issue of the performance as well, right?

To use another example where my convoluted approach raised the issue [a good 
thing, I guess, one way or another], functions like  OBAtom::IsHBAcceptor() 
OBAtom::IsHBDonor() are big and convoluted convenience functions, because to do 
the proper classification, there are several cases that need to be tested.
In this case, the best approach I can think of is to write a OBHBondTyper class 
to perceive the hbond character (similarly to what OBAromaticTyper does), then 
each atom should have a simple IsHBond() method that would return 0, 1 (donor), 
2 (acceptor), 3(donor/acceptor), 4(...?).

At the same time, I support Maciek's idea: useful functions that can streamline 
the use of scripting languages such as Python should be grouped and conserved.



 Stefano Forli, PhD

 Assistant Professor of ISCB
 Molecular Graphics Laboratory

 Dept. of Integrative Structural
 and Computational Biology, MB-112A
 The Scripps Research Institute
 10550  North Torrey Pines Road
 La Jolla,  CA 92037-1000,  USA.

    tel: +1 (858)784-2055
    fax: +1 (858)784-2860
    email: fo...@scripps.edu

From: Maciek Wójcikowski [mac...@wojcikowski.pl]
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2017 3:21 AM
To: Noel O'Boyle
Cc: Openbabel-DEV
Subject: Re: [OpenBabel-Devel] Convenience functions

Hi Noel,

I agree with you and must say that in 99.99% of cases it's the right way to do. 
Although I still believe the convenient functions, especially the ones that 
loop over stuff, are extremely useful when called from Python - they are just 
so much faster. I'd be happy with some external place where we could keep them.

+1 from me.

Pozdrawiam,  |  Best regards,
Maciek Wójcikowski

2017-02-25 10:33 GMT+01:00 Noel O'Boyle 
Hi there,

As some of you know, I would like to remove all convenience functions
from classes in Open Babel. I would like to explain why.

It's hard to exactly define a convenience function, but it's an
addition to the API that is implemented entirely using existing API
calls  and that makes it easier to do certain things. There may be a
place for these in the documentation (e.g. usage examples as OEChem
does) or in a convenience.cpp, but I argue that they should never be
part of any Open Babel classes, and in particular, should never be
used internally by the API.

One reason is that it clogs up the core API, which affects both
compilation speed and reading the API looking for functions. It's also
API duplication - there should be one way to do something. Also, there
are a infinite number of convenience functions and once you let one in
(e.g. OBAtom::IsCarbon()), you must then let in 100+ other ones.

A more subtle reason is that they obscure the correct usage of the
underlying core API, as users cannot know they are convenience
functions. Sounds a bit vague? Here are two examples.

Let's take the duplicated std::string versus const char* functions I
mentioned in an earlier email. The std::string version just calls the
const char* function. Some of these convenience functions do an
unnecessary string copy. On top of this, a user of the toolkit, having
a char* to hand but needing to choose between the methods, may
construct a std::string (another copy) to call the std::string method
because stack overflow tells us to always use C++ STL objects. So,
adding the convenience functions had the unintended consequence of two
string copies.

Another example is the convenience function that Stefano has proposed
that loops over the Residues to return the PDBAtomId for an OBAtom. I
don't disagree this is useful, but it's still a convenience function.
Now imagine a user who writes a loop over all the atoms in a molecule
calling this function. They end up using an N squared function, which
is going to be a fairly significant slowdown for PDB files. But there
was no way for them to know that this was not the correct method to

The current API has many such convenience functions. Let's make a
bonfire (e.g. called convenience.cpp) and burn them all.

- Noel

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