I was going to comment on the process, but I got sidetracked.

I've just remembered because I've just seen a question in the user mailing list about the stereoisomery and the enumeration of stereo-configurations.

Is there any work planned for that?
A while back I looked at the code trying to fix a few problems (chirality of protonated nitrogens, to name one), but I couldn't understand the code well enough to do anything useful.

Also, in my lab we've done some work on the hydrogen bond typing, following Noel's advice on using SMARTS instead of convoluted functions for different chemical group. I have to double-check the status of that code, but if you think it's worth looking at, I'll be happy to contribute.


On 01/12/2018 08:45 AM, Geoffrey Hutchison wrote:
    I’m mostly just grumpy because these changes broke my build. Have you 
going through a deprecated phase?

While I appreciate the grumpiness, you don't have to break a build - the "master" branch is naturally going to have changes. I'd like to think Noel (and I) were pretty clear with discussion on-list and on GitHub going back into the summer and fall. The specific change that you mention seems to relate to:

This was discussed in June-July and merged in August.

    Regarding IsSingle(), the situation is more clear cut. This is a function 
    appears to be (and is documented to be) synonymous with GetBondOrder() == 
1. Aha,
    but it is not, and only by looking at the source code would you have 
realised the
    difference. It was a surprise to me, and I think it is used synonymous with
    GetBondOrder==1 throughout the codebase...but there's no way to tell what 
    caller intended. All we can do is prevent nasty surprises for users in the 
    This change was made in combination with an overhaul of the treatment of
    kekulization and aromaticity last year.

In general, Noel has been undertaking a significant effort to clean up API calls to match "least surprise."

Thus, the version number has been bumped. This release makes a clear effort to indicate "Hey, something big is different - it's version 3!"

As to a generic OBAtom::IsElement(OBElement::Hydrogen) call, I look forward to a pull request. I'm not sure I'll have time to do it myself today, but:
- We haven't released v3 yet, so we appreciate concern and comments
- I bumped the version number to indicate backwards-incompatibility
- Yes, migration notes would be helpful, but aren't done yet

If you don't like the changes, I suggest using a release branch:


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 Stefano Forli, PhD

 Assistant Professor
 Dept. of Integrative Structural
 and Computational Biology, MB-112A
 The Scripps Research Institute
 10550  North Torrey Pines Road
 La Jolla,  CA 92037-1000,  USA.

    tel: +1 (858)784-2055
    fax: +1 (858)784-2860
    email: fo...@scripps.edu

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