> Not sure how relevant this is to OpenBabel, but I assume we modify InChi
> in order to integrate it?

No, we do not modify the InChI code in any way in the integration.

> Did somebody bring this up with the Inchi Trust?

I would guess 'no.' I don't think IUPAC or the InChI Trust really understand 
software licensing issues. IANAL, but I know that similar issues have been 
brought up over the lifetime of InChI.

I think their basic concern is someone modifying the InChI code (such as it is) 
so that it no longer produces correct InChI - which then breaks the entire 
point of an InChI. So I understand the intent of the clause, but that shouldn't 
be in the license - just a trademark on InChI, such that claiming it implies 

I'd suggest posting on the InChI mailing list.

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