Reminded by a question on Blue Obelisk Exchange (, I have tweaked up some code to access the NIH Chemical Identifier Resolver from an input format in OpenBabel. There must be doubts as to whether this sort of thing should be in OpenBabel at all, so I'll use opportunity to demonstrate (on Windows) that OpenBabel can be extended by plugins without having to rebuild the code.

Download and paste it into the OpenBabel folder - probably C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenBabel-2.3.1. (You will probably be prompted to do this as an Administrator.)

On opening the GUI you should find the nam input format. You can enter your names, etc. directly when the input box is yellow or you can use the attached file with some examples close to my heart. The NIH resolver uses OPSIN for systematic names, its own or ChemSpider's database for trivial names, and will also accept InChIKeys. On the command line it would be something like:
  obabel ResolverExamples.nam -osmi

Other ways of accessing this web service are the web site and via Cinfony/Webel. This OpenBabel format doesn't add much value over these except possibly for multiple names.

The code should be cross-platform and incorporates the lightweight HappyHTML rather than loading some big library. I don't know whether this is the right way to go, so I have held off putting the source code into OpenBabel, and await advice.

#Names in NIH
#Systematic name
acetylsalicylic acid    Aspirin
#Name in Chem-Spider
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