Dear OB users,
I came across a problem of converting XYZ to HIN format for imine
compounds. In more detail, the double C=N bond in imine series is
determined as a single bond. (As a result, atom typification for Merck
force field is completely screwed up.)

See the output hin-file bellow, the C=N bond order is determined as
"s"-single while it should be "d"-double. Any idea why the problem arises?
Thank you.

Command line: "obabel -ixyz -ohin"

Input structure:
C          0.01809       -0.61489        0.00000
N          0.09201        0.65950        0.00000
H          0.94072       -1.18704        0.00000
H         -0.91505       -1.17842        0.00000
H         -0.84531        1.06292        0.00000

Output structure:
mol 1 "Methanimine.hin"
atom 1 - C   **  -  0.02453  0.01809  -0.61489   0.00000 3 2 s 3 s 4 s 
atom 2 - N   **  - -0.25531  0.09201   0.65950   0.00000 2 1 s 5 s 
atom 3 - H   **  -  0.04510  0.94072  -1.18704   0.00000 1 1 s 
atom 4 - H   **  -  0.04510 -0.91505  -1.17842   0.00000 1 1 s 
atom 5 - H   **  -  0.14058 -0.84531   1.06292   0.00000 1 2 s 
endmol 1

Expected output:
mol 1
charge 0
atom    1 - C  C=   - +0.000 +0.01808907 -0.61489025 +0.00 3  2 d  3 s  4 s
atom    2 - N  N=   - +0.000 +0.09201153 +0.65949762 +0.00 2  1 d  5 s
atom    3 - H  HC=  - +0.000 +0.94072289 -1.18704357 +0.00 1  1 s
atom    4 - H  HC=  - +0.000 -0.91505199 -1.17841970 +0.00 1  1 s
atom    5 - H  HN=  - +0.000 -0.84531475 +1.06292463 +0.00 1  2 s
endmol 1

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