Dear all,
I'm having a few troubles in calculating properties using Pybel (v.2.3.2)
import pybel
ob = pybel.ob
import sys

smi = 'CN1c2ccc(cc2[C@@H]2C1=C1[C@H](C=C2)C(=O)C=CC1=O)OC MOL_1290'
descs = pybel.descs
m = pybel.readstring('smi', smi)
for d in descs:
     print "DESC [ %s ]" % d,
     for k,v in m.calcdesc([d]).items():
         print "->", v
print "---------------------"
print "title:", m.title
print "formula:", m.formula

The output below returns several 'nan' that I can't understand. In particular, 
I know the 
molecule has a title (i.e., Molecule.title) but the descriptor can't find it 
Same thing with couple more descriptors.

DESC [ abonds ] -> 6.0
DESC [ atoms ] -> 24.0
DESC [ bonds ] -> 27.0
DESC [ cansmi ] -> nan
DESC [ cansmiNS ] -> nan
DESC [ dbonds ] -> 5.0
DESC [ formula ] -> nan
DESC [ HBA1 ] -> 6.0
DESC [ HBA2 ] -> 4.0
DESC [ HBD ] -> 0.0
DESC [ InChI ] -> nan
DESC [ InChIKey ] -> nan
DESC [ L5 ] -> nan
DESC [ logP ] -> 2.4417
DESC [ MP ] -> 165.0235
DESC [ MR ] -> 86.134
DESC [ MW ] -> 293.3166
DESC [ nF ] -> 0.0
DESC [ s ] -> nan
DESC [ sbonds ] -> 16.0
DESC [ smarts ] -> nan
DESC [ tbonds ] -> 0.0
DESC [ title ] -> nan
DESC [ TPSA ] -> 46.61
title: MOL_1290
formula: C18H15NO3

 From what I can tell, all textual descriptors [1] are missing.
Also, I was interested in understanding what 'smarts' and 's' descriptors 
actually mean, 
but I can't find any documentation on the matter other than this [1].

Advice is welcome.





  Stefano Forli, PhD

  Staff Scientist
  Molecular Graphics Laboratory
  Dept. of Integrative Structural
   and Computational Biology, MB-112F
  The Scripps Research Institute
  10550  North Torrey Pines Road
  La Jolla,  CA 92037-1000,  USA.

     tel: +1 (858)784-2055
     fax: +1 (858)784-2860

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