Responding to the only question that zecke did not respond to:

On Mon, Aug 09, 2010 at 06:07:28PM +0300, jason mercury wrote:

> 3) Could I send SMS in which extension of the sender is text not integer.

no, this doesn't work with the current architecture.  We also don't want
to work on a quick fix but rather "outsource" the full SMS processing into
a separate process. For that we need a clean API/interface/protocol how
the MSC-part of bsc_hack and that external process interact, and that again
will probably be based on our TCAP/MAP implementation, which is under active
- Harald Welte <> 
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
                                                  (ETSI EN 300 175-7 Ch. A6)

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