Hi Harald,

On 09/07/2010 04:45 PM, Harald Welte wrote:
Hi Andreas,

On Tue, Sep 07, 2010 at 01:57:56PM +0200, Andreas Schmidt-Dannert wrote:
Another thing is that I get placed in googlemaps to Sao Lazaro
(Macau) which is not really Berlin. It only happens when I am
connected to the NanoBTS and no other position can be retrieved. It
happens with a Nokia phone (N78) as well as with one from Motorola
This is not a problem since it goes to the right position as soon as
it has found enough satellites but indoors and without A-GPS working
it places me to Sao Lazaro. Just curious what that could mean.
I would simply guess that it is some hard-coded default in case the MCC/MNC/LAC
is not known to whichever entity on the network that decides your location
based on that information.

What kind of MCC / MNC are you using?  Have you tried changing them to
one that exists in reality and checked where you get placed on the map now?
I used the default one in the config file but now I changed it first to 202-1 (Cosmote - Greece) and than to 268-3 (Optimus - Portugal). They both placed me in the ocean between Havanna and the Everglades. So it seems that something is hard-coded in the SUPL server but why is this value not always the same and why is that point so far away from Portugal/Greece? Maybe I should try another SUPL server and see if they place me at the same place for the same MCC/MNC combination.



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