On Mon, 2010-09-13 at 09:36 +0200, Andreas.Eversberg wrote:
> > did anyone allready had the chance to have a look at the magicjack
> > femtocell ?
> hi,
> not really. the homepage www.magicjack.com shows something, but does not
> say anything about GSM or femtocell. products at ebay called
> "magicjack", look like a simple POTS interface for VOIP, not a BTS. but
> if someone knows where to get this femtocell, it please let us know.

>From what i understood from several reviewing sites, is that they have
legal difficulties, before they are allowed to sell it in the USA (FCC).
And probably also (CE-approval) in europe.
I'm certain that in a number of countries, it will not be allowed to
sell/use them.

On the other hand, The use of the guard bands were released in UK and
As they are (relative) cheap, i'll try to get hold of (at least) one.
Seems i'm back in my pionering job ;-)

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