On Sat, 2010-11-27 at 09:31 -0500, Barnaby Astles wrote:
> Has any one here taken a look at building a BTS?

At work we are contempating about changing the drivers to existing
hardware. (or more precisly: having them changed)

People are looking at  the huawei GSM dongles.
Normally they are used to act as an gsm-modem, but the idea is to use
existing usb-dongle, that should be able to act as a femto-basestation
for people with a normal handheld/blackberry within one meter distance.

My first reaction was one of sceptism, but according to the people of
huwei it is do-able, no hardware changes needed, just some (major)
software rewrite.

Even if it only doing 1 meter radius coverage, _if_ it succeeds it woud
be wonderful, as those dongles costs about 60 euro's.


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